How to apply as an individual delegate or as a delegation?
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How to upload your position paper?
Bireysel ve delegasyon başvurusu nasıl yapılır?
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Pozisyon Belgesi Nasıl Yüklenir?
What happens when high profile agents come together to hide a confidential information that could alter the future of United Nations and its commanding power.
•DISEC Addressing the prevention of an arms race In outer space while also navigating the evolving landscape of war crimes law and the growing Influence of AI in conflict
DISEC deals with disarmament, global challenges and threats to peace that affect the international community and seeks out solutions to the challenges in the international security regime. It considers all disarmament and international security matters within the scope of the Charter or relating to the powers and functions of any other organ of the United Nations; the general principles of cooperation in the maintenance of international peace and security, as well as principles governing disarmament and the regulation of armaments; promotion of cooperative arrangements and measures aimed at strengthening stability through lower levels of armaments.
•UNHCR Efforts to ensure access to basic needs in refugee camps, and to improve the living standards of refugees by facilitating their access to job opportunities and financial services
UNHCR's primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees. In its efforts to achieve this objective, UNHCR strives to ensure that everyone can exercise the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another State, and to return home voluntarily. Acknowledging the recent state of our world where many people suffer the loss of their homeland while trying to survive the unfortunate situations that they have been involved involuntarily. With this committee our goal is to unite the world to impact these people’s lives in the best way that we can with everything that we have.
•Developing future response and preparation for future pandemics
The Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM), focuses on issues dealing with fundamental human rights in the international community. SOCHUM was founded in 1945 in reaction to the establishment of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. Poverty has been a struggle regardless of time where people suffer under difficult living conditions leading up to severe diseases or even death. These circumstances become worse against unexpected pandemics as we saw these last two years. With this committee our expectation is to prepare for the unknown while supporting one another.
•Sustaniable energy for development.
As one of the United Nations’ operational programs, UNDP is directly involved on the ground in over 170 countries, in order to help implement policies within our two main pillars: decarbonization of energy production and expanding access to safe drinking water in developing countries.
•Developing future response and preparation for future pandemics
The Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM), focuses on issues dealing with fundamental human rights in the international community. SOCHUM was founded in 1945 in reaction to the establishment of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. I Poverty has been a struggle regardless of time where people suffer under difficult living conditions leading up to severe diseases or even death. These circumstances become worse against unexpected pandemics as we saw these last two years. With this committee our expectation is to prepare for the unknown while supporting one another.
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